
Streamline your static analysis triage with SARIF Explorer

Vasco Franco
Today, we’re releasing SARIF Explorer, the VSCode extension that we developed to streamline how we triage static analysis results. We make heavy use of static analysis tools during our audits, but the process of triaging them was always a pain. We designed SARIF Explorer to provide an intuitive UI inside VSCode, with […]

Circomspect has been integrated into the Sindri CLI

Our tool Circomspect is now integrated into the Sindri command-line interface (CLI)! We designed Circomspect to help developers build Circom circuits more securely, particularly given the limited tooling support available for this novel programming framework. Integrating this tool into a development environment like that provided by Sindri is a significant step toward […]

Security flaws in an SSO plugin for Caddy

David Pokora, Maciej Domanski, Travis Peters,
We identified 10 security vulnerabilities within the caddy-security plugin for the Caddy web server that could enable a variety of high-severity attacks in web applications, including client-side code execution, OAuth replay attacks, and unauthorized access to resources. During our evaluation, Caddy was deployed as a reverse proxy […]

Secure your machine learning with Semgrep

tl;dr: Our publicly available Semgrep ruleset now has 11 rules dedicated to the misuse of machine learning libraries. Try it out now! Picture this: You’ve spent months curating images, trying out different architectures, downloading pretrained models, messing with Kubernetes, and you’re finally ready to ship your sparkling new machine learning (ML) product. […]

Magnifier: An Experiment with Interactive Decompilation

Today, we are releasing Magnifier, an experimental reverse engineering user interface I developed during my internship. Magnifier asks, “What if, as an alternative to taking handwritten notes, reverse engineering researchers could interactively reshape a decompiled program to reflect what they would normally record?” With Magnifier, the decompiled C code isn’t the end—it’s […]

Shedding smart contract storage with Slither

Troy Sargent, Blockchain Security Engineer
You think you’ve found a critical bug in a Solidity smart contract that, if exploited, could drain a widely used cryptocurrency exchange’s funds. To confirm that it’s really a bug, you need to figure out the value at an obscure storage slot that has no getter method. Adrenaline courses […]

Amarna: Static analysis for Cairo programs

Filipe Casal, fcasal
We are open-sourcing Amarna, our new static analyzer and linter for the Cairo programming language. Cairo is a programming language powering several trading exchanges with millions of dollars in assets (such as dYdX, driven by StarkWare) and is the programming language for StarkNet contracts. But, not unlike other languages, it has its […]

Towards Practical Security Optimizations for Binaries

Michael D. Brown, Senior Security Engineer
To be thus is nothing, but to be safely thus. (Macbeth: 3.1) It’s not enough that compilers generate efficient code, they must also generate safe code. Despite the extensive testing and correctness certification that goes into developing compilers and their optimization passes, they may inadvertently introduce information leaks […]

Toward a Best-of-Both-Worlds Binary Disassembler

Stefan Nagy
This past winter, I was fortunate to have the opportunity to work for Trail of Bits as a graduate student intern under the supervision of Peter Goodman and Artem Dinaburg. During my internship, I developed Dr. Disassembler, a Datalog-driven framework for transparent and mutable binary disassembly. Though this project is ongoing, this […]

Detecting Iterator Invalidation with CodeQL

Kevin Higgs, Montgomery Blair High School
Iterator invalidation is a common and subtle class of C++ bugs that often leads to exploitable vulnerabilities. During my Trail of Bits internship this summer, I developed Itergator, a set of CodeQL classes and queries for analyzing and discovering iterator invalidation. Results are easily interpretable by an auditor, […]

Security assessment techniques for Go projects

The Trail of Bits Assurance practice has received an influx of Go projects, following the success of our Kubernetes assessment this summer. As a result, we’ve been adapting for Go projects some of the security assessment techniques and tactics we’ve used with other compiled languages. We started by understanding the design of the language, identifying […]