While Trail of Bits is known for developing security tools like Slither, Medusa, and Fickling, our engineering efforts extend far beyond our own projects. Throughout 2024, our team has been deeply engaged with the broader security ecosystem, tackling challenges in open-source tools and infrastructure that security engineers rely on every day. This year, our engineers […]
Trail of Bits is releasing BTIGhidra, a Ghidra extension that helps reverse engineers by inferring type information from binaries. The analysis is inter-procedural, propagating and resolving type constraints between functions while consuming user input to recover additional type information. This refined type information produces more idiomatic decompilation, enhancing reverse engineering comprehension. The […]
AI is becoming ubiquitous, as developers of widely used tools like GitHub and Photoshop are quickly implementing and iterating on AI-enabled features. With Microsoft’s recent integration of Copilot into Windows, AI is even on the old stalwart of computing—the desktop. The integration of an AI assistant into an entire operating system is […]
Intermediate languages (IRs) are what reverse engineers and vulnerability researchers use to see the forest for the trees. IRs are used to view programs at different abstraction layers, so that analysis can understand both low-level code aberrations and higher levels of flawed logic mistakes. The setback is that bug-finding tools are often pigeonholed into choosing […]
To be thus is nothing, but to be safely thus. (Macbeth: 3.1) It’s not enough that compilers generate efficient code, they must also generate safe code. Despite the extensive testing and correctness certification that goes into developing compilers and their optimization passes, they may inadvertently introduce information leaks […]
This past winter, I was fortunate to have the opportunity to work for Trail of Bits as a graduate student intern under the supervision of Peter Goodman and Artem Dinaburg. During my internship, I developed Dr. Disassembler, a Datalog-driven framework for transparent and mutable binary disassembly. Though this project is ongoing, this […]
TL;DR: We’ve open-sourced a new library, μthenticode, for verifying Authenticode signatures on Windows PE binaries without a Windows machine. We’ve also integrated it into recent builds of Winchecksec, so that you can use it today to verify signatures on your Windows executables! As a library, μthenticode aims to be a breeze to integrate: It’s written […]
TL;DR: x86_64 decoding is hard, and the number and variety of implementations available for it makes it uniquely suited to differential fuzzing. We’re open sourcing mishegos, a differential fuzzer for instruction decoders. You can use it to discover discrepancies in your own decoders and analysis tools! In the beginning, there was instruction decoding Decompilation and […]
We open-sourced a set of static analysis tools, KRFAnalysis, that analyze and triage output from our system call (syscall) fault injection tool KRF. Now you can easily figure out where and why, KRF crashes your programs. During my summer internship at Trail of Bits, I worked on KRF, […]
Consider our modular trainings. They can be organized to suit your company’s needs. You choose the number of skills and days to spend honing them.
Plenty of static analyzers can perform vulnerability discovery on source code, but what if you only have the binary? How can we model a vulnerability and then check a binary to see if it is vulnerable? The short answer: use Binary Ninja’s MLIL and SSA form. Together, they make it easy to build and solve a system of equations with a theorem prover that takes binaries and turns them, alchemy-like, into vulnerabilities!
Two years ago, when we began taking on blockchain security engagements, there were no tools engineered for the work. No static analyzers, fuzzers, or reverse engineering tools for Ethereum. So, we invested significant time and expertise to create what we needed, adapt what we already had, and refine the work continuously over dozens of audits. […]
In my first blog post, I introduced the general structure of Binary Ninja’s Low Level IL (LLIL), as well as how to traverse and manipulate it with the Python API. Now, we’ll do something a little more interesting. Reverse engineering binaries compiled from object-oriented languages can be challenging, particularly when it comes to virtual functions. […]
Hi, I’m Josh. I recently joined the team at Trail of Bits, and I’ve been an evangelist and plugin writer for the Binary Ninja reversing platform for a while now. I’ve developed plugins that make reversing easier and extended Binary Ninja’s architecture support to assist in playing the microcorruption CTF. One of my favorite features of […]
Using Vector35’s Binary Ninja, a promising new interactive static analysis and reverse engineering platform, I wrote a script that generated “exploits” for 2,000 unique binaries in this year’s DEFCON CTF qualifying round. If you’re wondering how to remain competitive in a post-DARPA DEFCON CTF, I highly recommend you take a look at Binary Ninja. Before […]