
Secure your machine learning with Semgrep

tl;dr: Our publicly available Semgrep ruleset now has 11 rules dedicated to the misuse of machine learning libraries. Try it out now! Picture this: You’ve spent months curating images, trying out different architectures, downloading pretrained models, messing with Kubernetes, and you’re finally ready to ship your sparkling new machine learning (ML) product. […]

Are blockchains decentralized?

Trail of Bits
A new Trail of Bits research report examines unintended centralities in distributed ledgers Blockchains can help push the boundaries of current technology in useful ways. However, to make good risk decisions involving exciting and innovative technologies, people need demonstrable facts that are arrived at through reproducible methods and open data. We believe the risks inherent […]

Themes from Real World Crypto 2022

William Woodruff
Last week, over 500 cryptographers from around the world gathered in Amsterdam for Real World Crypto 2022, meeting in person for the first time in over two years. As in previous years, we dispatched a handful of our researchers and engineers to attend the conference, listen to talks, and schmooze observe the […]

Toward a Best-of-Both-Worlds Binary Disassembler

Stefan Nagy
This past winter, I was fortunate to have the opportunity to work for Trail of Bits as a graduate student intern under the supervision of Peter Goodman and Artem Dinaburg. During my internship, I developed Dr. Disassembler, a Datalog-driven framework for transparent and mutable binary disassembly. Though this project is ongoing, this […]

Un-bee-lievable Performance: Fast Coverage-guided Fuzzing with Honeybee and Intel Processor Trace

Allison Husain, UC Berkeley
Today, we are releasing an experimental coverage-guided fuzzer called Honeybee that records program control flow using Intel Processor Trace (IPT) technology. Previously, IPT has been scrutinized for severe underperformance due to issues with capture systems and inefficient trace analyses. My winter internship focused on working through these challenges to make […]

Confessions of a smart contract paper reviewer

Alex Groce
If you’re thinking of writing a paper describing an exciting novel approach to smart contract analysis and want to know what reviewers will be looking for, you’ve come to the right place. Deadlines for many big conferences (ISSTA tool papers, ASE, FSE, etc.) are approaching, as is our own Workshop on Smart Contract Analysis, so […]

High-fidelity build instrumentation with blight

William Woodruff
TL;DR: We’re open-sourcing a new framework, blight, for painlessly wrapping and instrumenting C and C++ build tools. We’re already using it on our research projects, and have included a set of useful actions. You can use it today for your own measurement and instrumentation needs: Why would you ever want to wrap a build tool? […]

Graphtage: A New Semantic Diffing Tool

Evan Sultanik
Graphtage is a command line utility and underlying library for semantically comparing and merging tree-like structures such as JSON, JSON5, XML, HTML, YAML, and TOML files. Its name is a portmanteau of “graph” and “graftage” (i.e., the horticultural practice of joining two trees together so they grow as one). Read on for what Graphtage does differently and better, why we developed it, how it works, and directions for using it as a library.

64 Bits ought to be enough for anybody!

Artem Dinaburg
How quickly can we use brute force to guess a 64-bit number? The short answer is, it all depends on what resources are available. So we’re going to examine this problem starting with the most naive approach and then expand to other techniques involving parallelization. We’ll discuss parallelization at the CPU level with SIMD instructions, […]

Announcing the Crytic $10k Research Prize

Trail of Bits
At Trail of Bits, we make a significant effort to stay up to date with the academic world. We frequently evaluate our work through peer-reviewed conferences, and we love to attend academic events (see our recent ICSE and Crypto recaps). However, we consistently see one recurring issue at these academic events: a lack of reliable […]

Two New Tools that Tame the Treachery of Files

Evan Sultanik
Parsing is hard, even when a file format is well specified. But when the specification is ambiguous, it leads to unintended and strange parser and interpreter behaviors that make file formats susceptible to security vulnerabilities. What if we could automatically generate a “safe” subset of any file format, along with an associated, verified parser? That’s […]

TSC Frequency For All: Better Profiling and Benchmarking

Artem Dinaburg
Have you ever tried using LLVM’s X-Ray profiling tools to make some flame graphs, but gotten obscure errors like: ==65892==Unable to determine CPU frequency for TSC accounting. ==65892==Unable to determine CPU frequency. Or worse, have you profiled every function in an application, only to find the sum of all function runtimes accounted for ~15 minutes […]

Announcing Manticore 0.3.0

Eric Hennenfent
Earlier this week, Manticore leapt forward to version 0.3.0. Advances for our symbolic execution engine now include: “fast forwarding” through concrete execution that you don’t care about, support for Linux binaries statically compiled for AArch64, and an interface for selectively solving for interesting test cases. We’ve been working really hard on these and other features […]