
State Machine Testing with Echidna

Trail of Bits
Property-based testing is a powerful technique for verifying arbitrary properties of a program via execution on a large set of inputs, typically generated stochastically. Echidna is a library and executable I’ve been working on for applying property-based testing to EVM code (particularly code written in Solidity). Echidna is a library for generating random sequences of […]

Vulnerability Modeling with Binary Ninja

Plenty of static analyzers can perform vulnerability discovery on source code, but what if you only have the binary? How can we model a vulnerability and then check a binary to see if it is vulnerable? The short answer: use Binary Ninja’s MLIL and SSA form. Together, they make it easy to build and solve a system of equations with a theorem prover that takes binaries and turns them, alchemy-like, into vulnerabilities!

Use our suite of Ethereum security tools

Two years ago, when we began taking on blockchain security engagements, there were no tools engineered for the work. No static analyzers, fuzzers, or reverse engineering tools for Ethereum. So, we invested significant time and expertise to create what we needed, adapt what we already had, and refine the work continuously over dozens of audits. […]

Manticore: Symbolic execution for humans

Earlier this week, we open-sourced a tool we rely on for dynamic binary analysis: Manticore! Manticore helps us quickly take advantage of symbolic execution, taint analysis, and instrumentation to analyze binaries. Parts of Manticore underpinned our symbolic execution capabilities in the Cyber Grand Challenge. As an open-source tool, we hope that others can take advantage […]

Devirtualizing C++ with Binary Ninja

In my first blog post, I introduced the general structure of Binary Ninja’s Low Level IL (LLIL), as well as how to traverse and manipulate it with the Python API. Now, we’ll do something a little more interesting. Reverse engineering binaries compiled from object-oriented languages can be challenging, particularly when it comes to virtual functions. […]

Breaking Down Binary Ninja’s Low Level IL

Hi, I’m Josh. I recently joined the team at Trail of Bits, and I’ve been an evangelist and plugin writer for the Binary Ninja reversing platform for a while now. I’ve developed plugins that make reversing easier and extended Binary Ninja’s architecture support to assist in playing the microcorruption CTF. One of my favorite features of […]

Semantic Analysis of Native Programs with CodeReason

Andrew Ruef
Have you ever wanted to make a query into a native mode program asking about program locations that write a specific value to a register? Have you ever wanted to automatically deobfuscate obfuscated strings? Reverse engineering a native program involves understanding its semantics at a low level until a high level picture of functionality emerges. […]