
Seriously, stop using RSA

Trail of Bits
Here at Trail of Bits we review a lot of code. From major open source projects to exciting new proprietary software, we’ve seen it all. But one common denominator in all of these systems is that for some inexplicable reason people still seem to think RSA is a good cryptosystem to use. Let me save […]

$10,000 research fellowships for underrepresented talent

The Trail of Bits SummerCon Fellowship program is now accepting applications from emerging security researchers with excellent project ideas. Fellows will explore their research topics with our guidance and then present their findings at SummerCon 2019. We will be reserving at least 50% of our funding for marginalized, female-identifying, transgender, and non-binary candidates. If you’re […]

We crypto now

Trail of Bits
Building and using cryptographic libraries is notoriously difficult. Even when each component of the system has been implemented correctly (quite difficult to do), improperly combining these pieces can lead to disastrous results. Cryptography, when rolled right, forms the bedrock of any secure application. By combining cutting-edge mathematics and disciplined software engineering, modern crypto-systems guarantee data […]

“AMD Flaws” Technical Summary

Two weeks ago, we were engaged by CTS Labs as independent consultants at our standard consulting rates to review and confirm the technical accuracy of their preliminary findings. We participated neither in their research nor in their subsequent disclosure process. Our recommendation to CTS was to disclose the vulnerabilities through a CERT. Our review of […]

Parity Technologies engages Trail of Bits

We’re helping Parity Technologies secure their Ethereum client. We’ll begin by auditing their codebase, and look forward to publishing results and the knowledge we gained in the future. Parity Technologies combines cryptography, cellular systems, peer-to-peer technology and decentralized consensus to solve the problems that have gone unaddressed by conventional server-client architecture. Their Ethereum client is designed for […]

Trail of Bits joins the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance

We’re proud to announce that Trail of Bits has joined the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA), the world’s largest open source blockchain initiative. As the first information security company to join, and currently one of the industry’s top smart contract auditors, we’re excited to contribute our unparalleled expertise to the EEA. As companies begin to re-architect […]

iOS jailbreak detection toolkit now available

We now offer a library for developers to check if their apps are running on jailbroken phones. It includes the most comprehensive checks in the industry and it is App Store compatible. Contact us now to license the iVerify security library for your app. Jailbreaks threaten your work Users like to install jailbreaks on their […]

Windows network security now easier with osquery

Artem Dinaburg
Today, Facebook announced the successful completion of our work: osquery for Windows. “Today, we’re excited to announce the availability of an osquery developer kit for Windows so security teams can build customized solutions for their Windows networks… This port of osquery to Windows gives you the ability to unify endpoint defense and participate in an […]

Dear DARPA: Challenge Accepted.

We are proud to have one of the only seven accepted funded-track proposals to DARPA’s Cyber Grand Challenge. Computer security experts from academia, industry and the larger security community have organized themselves into more than 30 teams to compete in DARPA’s Cyber Grand Challenge —- a first-of-its-kind tournament designed to speed the development of automated security […]

Trail of Bits Releases Capture the Flag Field Guide

Free Online Coursework Allows Students, Professionals to Build Essential Offensive Security Skills New York, NY (May 20, 2014)–Security researchers at Trail of Bits today introduced the CTF Field Guide (Capture the Flag), a freely available, self-guided online course designed to help university and high school students hone the skills needed to succeed in the fast-paced, […]

Introducing Javelin

Javelin shows you how modern attackers would approach and exploit your enterprise. By simulating real-time, real-world attack techniques, Javelin identifies which employees are most likely to be targets of spearphishing campaigns, uncovers security infrastructure weaknesses, and compares overall vulnerability against industry competitors. Javelin benchmarks the efficacy of defensive strategies, and provides customized recommendations for improving […]