
Financial Cryptography 2020 Recap

A few weeks ago, we went to the 24th Financial Cryptography (FC) conference and the Workshop on Trusted Smart Contracts (WTSC), where we presented our work on smart contract bug categorization (see our executive summary) and a poster on Echidna. Although FC is not a blockchain conference, it featured several blockchain-oriented presentations this year and […]

Announcing the Crytic $10k Research Prize

Trail of Bits
At Trail of Bits, we make a significant effort to stay up to date with the academic world. We frequently evaluate our work through peer-reviewed conferences, and we love to attend academic events (see our recent ICSE and Crypto recaps). However, we consistently see one recurring issue at these academic events: a lack of reliable […]

Crypto 2019 Takeaways

Trail of Bits
This year’s IACR Crypto conference was an excellent blend of far-out theory and down-to-earth pragmatism. A major theme throughout the conference was the huge importance of getting basic cryptographic primitives right. Systems ranging from TLS servers and bitcoin wallets to state-of-the-art secure multiparty computation protocols were broken when one small sub-component was either chosen poorly […]

246 Findings From our Smart Contract Audits: An Executive Summary

Alex Groce
Until now, smart contract security researchers (and developers) have been frustrated by limited information about the actual flaws that survive serious development efforts. That limitation increases the risk of making critical smart contracts vulnerable, misallocating resources for risk reduction, and missing opportunities to employ automated analysis tools. We’re changing that. Today, Trail of Bits is […]

On LibraBFT’s use of broadcasts

Sam Moelius
LibraBFT is the Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) consensus algorithm used by the recently released Libra cryptocurrency. LibraBFT is based on another BFT consensus algorithm called HotStuff. While some have noted the similarities between the two algorithms, they differ in some crucial respects. In this post we highlight one such difference: in LibraBFT, non-leaders perform broadcasts. […]

Slither: The Leading Static Analyzer for Smart Contracts

Gustavo Grieco
We have published an academic paper on Slither, our static analysis framework for smart contracts, in the International Workshop on Emerging Trends in Software Engineering for Blockchain (WETSEB), colocated with ICSE. Our paper shows that Slither’s bug detection outperforms other static analysis tools for finding issues in smart contracts in terms of speed, robustness, and […]

On Bounties and Boffins

Trent Brunson
Trying to make a living as a programmer participating in bug bounties is the same as convincing yourself that you’re good enough at Texas Hold ‘Em to quit your job. There’s data to back this up in Fixing a Hole: The Labor Market for Bugs, a chapter in New Solutions for Cybersecurity, by Ryan Ellis, […]

How to Spot Good Fuzzing Research

Trent Brunson
Of the nearly 200 papers on software fuzzing that have been published in the last three years, most of them—even some from high-impact conferences—are academic clamor. Fuzzing research suffers from inconsistent and subjective benchmarks, which keeps this potent field in a state of arrested development. We’d like to help explain why this has happened and […]

A walk down memory lane

Admit it. Every now and then someone does something, and you think: “I also had that idea!” You feel validated — a kindred spirit has had the same intuitions, the same insights, and even drawn the same conclusions. I was reminded of this feeling recently when I came across a paper describing how to use […]

The DBIR’s ‘Forest’ of Exploit Signatures

If you follow the recommendations in the 2016 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR), you will expose your organization to more risk, not less. The report’s most glaring flaw is the assertion that the TLS FREAK vulnerability is among the ‘Top 10’ most exploited on the Internet. No experienced security practitioner believes that FREAK is […]