
Manage Santa within osquery

Garret Reece
We’re releasing an extension for osquery that lets you manage Google Santa without the need for a separate sync server. Google Santa is an application whitelist and blacklist system for macOS ideal for deployment across managed fleets. It uses a sync server from which daemons pull rules onto managed computers. However, the sync server provides […]

Collect NTFS forensic information with osquery

Garret Reece
We’re releasing an extension for osquery that will let you dig deeper into the NTFS filesystem. It’s one more tool for incident response and data collection. But it’s also an opportunity to dispense with forensics toolkits and commercial services that offer similar capabilities. Until now, osquery has been inadequate for performing the kind of filesystem […]

What do you wish osquery could do?

Lauren Pearl
Welcome to the third post in our series about osquery. So far, we’ve described how five enterprise security teams use osquery and reviewed the issues they’ve encountered. For our third post, we focus on the future of osquery. We asked users, “What do you wish osquery could do?” The answers we received ranged from small […]

What are the current pain points of osquery?

Lauren Pearl
You’re reading the second post in our four-part series about osquery. Read post number one for a snapshot of the tool’s current use, the reasons for its growing popularity among enterprise security teams, and how it stacks up against commercial alternatives. osquery shows considerable potential to revolutionize the endpoint monitoring market. (For example, it greatly […]

Announcing the Trail of Bits osquery extension repository

Alessandro Gario
Today, we are releasing access to our maintained repository of osquery extensions. Our first extension takes advantage of the Duo Labs EFIgy API to determine if the EFI firmware on your Mac fleet is up to date. There are very few examples of publicly released osquery extensions. Very little documentation exists on the topic. This […]

How are teams currently using osquery?

Lauren Pearl
In the year since we ported osquery to Windows, the operating system instrumentation and endpoint monitoring agent has attracted a great deal of attention in the open-source community and beyond. In fact, it recently received the 2017 O’Reilly Defender Award for best project. Many large and leading tech firms have deployed osquery to do totally […]

Tracking a stolen code-signing certificate with osquery

Mike Myers
Recently, 2.27 million computers running Windows were infected with malware signed with a stolen certificate from the creators of a popular app called CCleaner, and inserted into its software update mechanism. Fortunately, signed malware is now simple to detect with osquery thanks to a pull request submitted by our colleague Alessandro Gario that adds Windows […]

The Challenges of Deploying Security Mitigations

Artem Dinaburg
This blog has promoted control flow integrity (CFI) as a game changing security mitigation and encouraged its use. We wanted to take our own security advice and start securing software we use. To that end, we decided to apply CFI to facebook’s osquery, a cross-platform codebase with which we are deeply familiar. Using osquery, we […]

Windows network security now easier with osquery

Artem Dinaburg
Today, Facebook announced the successful completion of our work: osquery for Windows. “Today, we’re excited to announce the availability of an osquery developer kit for Windows so security teams can build customized solutions for their Windows networks… This port of osquery to Windows gives you the ability to unify endpoint defense and participate in an […]