
The Trail of Bits Hiring Process

Trail of Bits
When engineers apply to Trail of Bits, they’re often surprised by how straightforward and streamlined our hiring process is. After years of experience, we’ve cut the process to its bedrock, so that it’s candidate focused, quick, and effective. Here’s a short video showing some of our European colleagues discussing some cool things they’re working on […]

Announcing the new Trail of Bits podcast

Trail of Bits
Trail of Bits has launched a podcast. The first five-episode season is now available for download. The podcast and its RSS feed are available at, and you may subscribe on all major podcast outlets, including Apple iTunes, Spotify, Gaana, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, and many others. Listening to our podcast is like having a […]

Advocating for change

As a company, we believe Black lives matter. In the face of continued police brutality, racial disparities in law enforcement, and limited accountability, we demand an end to systemic racism, endorse restrictions on police use of force, and seek greater accountability for police actions. We believe police misconduct, militarization of police, and unchecked abuse of […]

How to prepare for a security review

Garret Reece
You’ve just approved a security review of your codebase. Do you: Send a copy of the repository and wait for the report, or Take the extra effort to set the project up for success? By the end of the review, the difference between these answers will lead to profoundly disparate results. In the former case, […]

Our team is growing

We’ve added five more to our ranks in the last two months, bringing our total size to 32 employees. Their resumes feature words and acronyms like ‘CTO,’ ‘Co-founder’ and ‘Editor.’ You might recognize their names from publications and presentations that advance the field. We’re excited to offer them a place where they can dig deeper […]

Plug into New York’s Infosec Community

Between the city’s size and the wide spectrum of the security industry, it’s easy to feel lost. Where are ‘your people?’ How can you find talks that interest you? You want to spend your time meeting and networking, not researching your options. So, we put together a directory of all of the infosec gatherings, companies, and […]

It’s time to take ownership of our image

Gloves Goggles Checkered body suits The representation of hackers in stock media spans a narrow band of reality between the laughable and the absurd. It overshadows the fact that lots of hackers are security professionals. They may dress differently, but they serve a critical function in the economy. It’s easy to satirize the way the […]

Hacker Handle Bounty

It’s time to close this chapter of our industry’s past. To distance ourselves from the World Wrestling Federation and comic book superheroes. We’re talking about hacker handles: Dildog, Thomas Dullien, Matt Blaze etc. When the Internet was young and fancy-free, hacker handles had their place. They afforded anonymity and supported the curious to explore the […]

2015 In Review

Now that the new year is upon us, we can look back and take assessment of 2015. The past year saw Trail of Bits continuing our prior work, such as automated vulnerability discovery and remediation, and branching out into new areas, like secure self-hosted video chat. We also increased our community outreach: we advocated against […]

The Foundation of 2015: 2014 in Review

We need to do more to protect ourselves. 2014 overflowed with front-page proof: Apple, Target, JPMorgan Chase, etc, etc. The current, vulnerable status quo begs for radical change, an influx of talented people, and substantially better tools. As we look ahead to driving that change in 2015, we’re proud to highlight a selection of our […]

We’ve Moved!

Trail of Bits headquarters has moved! Located in the heart of the financial district, our new office features a unique design, cool modern decor, and an open layout that makes us feel right at home. With fast internet, well-appointed conference rooms, and comfortable work stations, we feel that this is a great place to grow […]