
From The Depths Of Counterfeit Smartphones

Chris Evans
In an age of online second-hand retailers, marketplace exchanges, and third-party refurb shops, it’s easier than ever to save hundreds of dollars when buying a phone. These channels provide an appealing alternative for people foregoing a retail shopping experience for a hefty discount. However, there is an additional option for those bargain hunters seeking even […]

iOS jailbreak detection toolkit now available

We now offer a library for developers to check if their apps are running on jailbroken phones. It includes the most comprehensive checks in the industry and it is App Store compatible. Contact us now to license the iVerify security library for your app. Jailbreaks threaten your work Users like to install jailbreaks on their […]

Tracking a stolen code-signing certificate with osquery

Mike Myers
Recently, 2.27 million computers running Windows were infected with malware signed with a stolen certificate from the creators of a popular app called CCleaner, and inserted into its software update mechanism. Fortunately, signed malware is now simple to detect with osquery thanks to a pull request submitted by our colleague Alessandro Gario that adds Windows […]

Windows network security now easier with osquery

Artem Dinaburg
Today, Facebook announced the successful completion of our work: osquery for Windows. “Today, we’re excited to announce the availability of an osquery developer kit for Windows so security teams can build customized solutions for their Windows networks… This port of osquery to Windows gives you the ability to unify endpoint defense and participate in an […]

iVerify is now available on Github

Today we’re excited to release an open-source version of iVerify! iPhone users now have an easy way to ensure their phones are free of malware. iVerify validates the integrity of supported iOS devices and detects modifications that malware or jailbreaking would make, without the use of signatures. It runs at boot-time and thoroughly inspects the […]

Ending the Love Affair with ExploitShield

Andrew Ruef
ExploitShield has been marketed as offering protection “against all known and unknown 0-day day vulnerability exploits, protecting users where traditional anti-virus and security products fail.” I found this assertion quite extraordinary and exciting! Vulnerabilities in software applications are real problems for computer users worldwide. So far, we have been pretty bad at providing actual technology […]

Analyzing the MD5 collision in Flame

Alex Sotirov
One of the more interesting aspects of the Flame malware was the MD5 collision attack that was used to infect new machines through Windows Update. MD5 collisions are not new, but this is the first attack discovered in the wild and deserves a more in-depth look. Trail of Bits is uniquely qualified to perform this […]