
Solar: Context-free, interactive analysis for Solidity

Trent Brunson
We’re hiring for our Research + Engineering team!  By Aaron Yoo, University of California, Los Angeles As an intern at Trail of Bits, I worked on Solar, a proof-of-concept static analysis framework. Solar is unique because it enables context-free interactive analysis of Solidity smart contracts. A user can direct Solar to explore program paths (e.g., […]

Un-bee-lievable Performance: Fast Coverage-guided Fuzzing with Honeybee and Intel Processor Trace

Allison Husain, UC Berkeley
Today, we are releasing an experimental coverage-guided fuzzer called Honeybee that records program control flow using Intel Processor Trace (IPT) technology. Previously, IPT has been scrutinized for severe underperformance due to issues with capture systems and inefficient trace analyses. My winter internship focused on working through these challenges to make […]

Reverie: An optimized zero-knowledge proof system

Trail of Bits
Zero-knowledge proofs, once a theoretical curiosity, have recently seen widespread deployment in blockchain systems such as Zcash and Monero. However, most blockchain applications of ZK proofs make proof size and performance tradeoffs that are a poor fit for other use-cases. In particular, these protocols often require an elaborate trusted setup phase and optimize for proof […]

Efficient audits with machine learning and Slither-simil

Sina Pilehchiha, Concordia University
Trail of Bits has manually curated a wealth of data—years of security assessment reports—and now we’re exploring how to use this data to make the smart contract auditing process more efficient with Slither-simil. Based on accumulated knowledge embedded in previous audits, we set out to detect similar vulnerable code snippets […]

Let’s build a high-performance fuzzer with GPUs!

Ryan Eberhardt, Stanford University
TL;DR: Can we use GPUs to get 10x performance/dollar when fuzzing embedded software in the cloud? Based on our preliminary work, we think the answer is yes! Fuzzing is a software testing technique that supplies programs with many randomized inputs in an attempt to cause unexpected behavior. It’s an important, […]

Osquery: Using D-Bus to query systemd data

Rachel Cipkins, Stevens Institute of Technology
During my summer internship at Trail of Bits I worked on osquery, the massively popular open-source endpoint monitoring agent used for intrusion detection, threat hunting, operational monitoring, and many other functions. Available for Windows, macOS, Linux, and FreeBSD, osquery exposes an operating system as a high-performance relational database, […]

Detecting Iterator Invalidation with CodeQL

Kevin Higgs, Montgomery Blair High School
Iterator invalidation is a common and subtle class of C++ bugs that often leads to exploitable vulnerabilities. During my Trail of Bits internship this summer, I developed Itergator, a set of CodeQL classes and queries for analyzing and discovering iterator invalidation. Results are easily interpretable by an auditor, […]

PrivacyRaven Has Left the Nest

Suha S. Hussain, Georgia Tech
If you work on deep learning systems, check out our new tool, PrivacyRaven—it’s a Python library that equips engineers and researchers with a comprehensive testing suite for simulating privacy attacks on deep learning systems. Because deep learning enables software to perform tasks without explicit programming, it’s become ubiquitous in […]

Detecting Bad OpenSSL Usage

William Wang, UCLA
OpenSSL is one of the most popular cryptographic libraries out there; even if you aren’t using C/C++, chances are your programming language’s biggest libraries use OpenSSL bindings as well. It’s also notoriously easy to mess up due to the design of its low-level API. Yet many of these mistakes fall into […]

Emerging Talent: Winternship 2020 Highlights

The Trail of Bits Winternship is our winter internship program where we invite 10-15 students to join us over the winter break for a short project that has a meaningful impact on information security. They work remotely with a mentor to create or improve tools that solve a single impactful problem. These paid internships give […]

Grace Hopper Celebration (GHC) 2019 Recap

Rachel Cipkins, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ
A few weeks ago I had the inspiring experience of attending the annual Grace Hopper Celebration (GHC), the world’s largest gathering of women in technology. Over four days in Orlando, Florida, GHC hosted a slew of workshops and presentations, plus a massive career fair with over […]

Multi-Party Computation on Machine Learning

During my internship this summer, I built a multi-party computation (MPC) tool that implements a 3-party computation protocol for perceptron and support vector machine (SVM) algorithms. MPC enables multiple parties to perform analyses on private datasets without sharing them with each other. I defveloped a technique that lets three parties obtain the results of machine […]

DeepState Now Supports Ensemble Fuzzing

Alan Cao, Francis Lewis High School, Queens, NY
We are proud to announce the integration of ensemble fuzzing into DeepState, our unit-testing framework powered by fuzzing and symbolic execution. Ensemble fuzzing allows testers to execute multiple fuzzers with varying heuristics in a single campaign, while maintaining an architecture for synchronizing generated input seeds across […]