GDB loses significant functionality when debugging binaries that lack debugging symbols (also known as “stripped binaries”). Function and variable names become meaningless addresses; setting breakpoints requires tracking down relevant function addresses from an external source; and printing out structured values involves staring at a memory dump trying to manually discern field boundaries. […]
During my time as a Trail of Bits associate last summer, I worked on optimizing the performance of Echidna, Trail of Bits’ open-source smart contract fuzzer, written in Haskell. Through extensive use of profilers and other tools, I was able to pinpoint and debug a massive space leak in one of Echidna’s […]
I’ve created five CodeQL queries that catch potentially potent bugs in the OpenSSL libcrypto API, a widely adopted but often unforgiving API that can be misused to cause memory leaks, authentication bypasses, and other subtle cryptographic issues in implementations. These queries—which I developed during my internship with my mentors, Fredrik Dahlgren and […]
This past summer at Trail of Bits was a season of inspiration, innovation, and growth thanks to the incredible contributions of our talented interns, who took on a diverse range of technical projects under the mentorship of Trail of Bits engineers. We’d like to delve into their accomplishments, from enhancing the efficiency of fuzzing tools […]
As a winter associate at Trail of Bits, my goal was to make two improvements to the GNU Project Debugger (GDB): make it run faster and improve its Python API to support and improve tools that rely on it, like Pwndbg. The main goal was to run […]
During my internship at Trail of Bits, I prototyped a harness that improves the testability of the eBPF verifier, simplifying the testing of eBPF programs. My eBPF harness runs in user space, independently of any locally running kernel, and thus opens the door to testing of eBPF programs across different kernel versions. […]
Trail of Bits is publicly disclosing four vulnerabilities that affect wolfSSL: CVE-2022-38152, CVE-2022-38153, CVE-2022-39173, and CVE-2022-42905. The four issues, which have CVSS scores ranging from medium to critical, can all result in a denial of service (DoS). These vulnerabilities have been discovered automatically using the novel protocol fuzzer tlspuffin. This blog post […]
The naive approach to searching for patterns in source code is to use regular expressions; a better way is to parse the code with a custom parser, but both of these approaches have limitations. During my internship, I prototyped an internal tool called Syntex that does searching on Clang ASTs to avoid […]
Trail of Bits maintains Manticore, a symbolic execution engine that can analyze smart contracts and native binaries. While symbolic execution is a powerful technique that can augment the vulnerability discovery process, it requires some base domain knowledge and thus has its own learning curve. Given the plethora […]
Trail of Bits recently published a blog post about a signed integer overflow in certain versions of SQLite that can enable arbitrary code execution and result in a denial of service. While working on proof-of-concept exploits for that vulnerability, we noticed that the compiler’s representation of an important integer variable is semantically […]
Trail of Bits is publicly disclosing CVE-2022-35737, which affects applications that use the SQLite library API. CVE-2022-35737 was introduced in SQLite version 1.0.12 (released on October 17, 2000) and fixed in release 3.39.2 (released on July 21, 2022). CVE-2022-35737 is exploitable on 64-bit systems, and exploitability depends on how the program is […]
Andrew Haberlandt During my summer internship at Trail of Bits, I worked on the fork of the RBPF JIT compiler that is used to execute Solana smart contracts. The RBPF JIT compiler plays a critical role on the Solana blockchain, as it facilitates the execution of contracts on validator nodes by default. Before my […]
Today, we are releasing Magnifier, an experimental reverse engineering user interface I developed during my internship. Magnifier asks, “What if, as an alternative to taking handwritten notes, reverse engineering researchers could interactively reshape a decompiled program to reflect what they would normally record?” With Magnifier, the decompiled C code isn’t the end—it’s […]
During my winternship, I used the findings from recent Go audits to make several improvements to go-fuzz, a coverage-based fuzzer for projects written in Go. I focused on three enhancements to improve the effectiveness of Go fuzzing campaigns and provide a better experience for users. I contributed to fixing type alias […]
During my summer internship, I had the wonderful opportunity to work on the Manticore User Interface (MUI). The MUI project aims to combine the strength of both Manticore, a powerful symbolic execution library, and Binary Ninja, a popular binary analysis tool, to provide a more intuitive and visual interface […]