
“Unstripping” binaries: Restoring debugging information in GDB with Pwndbg

GDB loses significant functionality when debugging binaries that lack debugging symbols (also known as “stripped binaries”). Function and variable names become meaningless addresses; setting breakpoints requires tracking down relevant function addresses from an external source; and printing out structured values involves staring at a memory dump trying to manually discern field boundaries. […]

Improving the state of Cosmos fuzzing

Gustavo Grieco
Cosmos is a platform enabling the creation of blockchains in Go (or other languages). Its reference implementation, Cosmos SDK, leverages strong fuzz testing extensively, following two approaches: smart fuzzing for low-level code, and dumb fuzzing for high-level simulation. In this blog post, we explain the differences between these approaches and show how […]

Publishing Trail of Bits’ CodeQL queries

We are publishing a set of custom CodeQL queries for Go and C. We have used them to find critical issues that the standard CodeQL queries would have missed. This new release of a continuously updated repository of CodeQL queries joins our public Semgrep rules and Automated Testing Handbook in an effort […]

Security flaws in an SSO plugin for Caddy

David Pokora, Maciej Domanski, Travis Peters,
We identified 10 security vulnerabilities within the caddy-security plugin for the Caddy web server that could enable a variety of high-severity attacks in web applications, including client-side code execution, OAuth replay attacks, and unauthorized access to resources. During our evaluation, Caddy was deployed as a reverse proxy […]

Improving the state of go-fuzz

Christian Presa Schnell
During my winternship, I used the findings from recent Go audits to make several improvements to go-fuzz, a coverage-based fuzzer for projects written in Go. I focused on three enhancements to improve the effectiveness of Go fuzzing campaigns and provide a better experience for users. I contributed to fixing type alias […]

Smart (and simple) ways to prevent symlink attacks in Go

Johanna Ratliff
After writing Go for years, many of us have learned the error-checking pattern down to our bones: “Does this function return an error? Ope, better make sure it’s nil before moving on.” And that’s great! This should be our default behavior when writing Go. However, rote error checking can sometimes prevent critical thinking about what […]

How to check if a mutex is locked in Go

TL;DR: Can we check if a mutex is locked in Go? Yes, but not with a mutex API. Here’s a solution for use in debug builds. Although you can Lock() or Unlock() a mutex, you can’t check whether it’s locked. While it is a reasonable omission (e.g., due to possible race conditions; see also Why […]

Security assessment techniques for Go projects

The Trail of Bits Assurance practice has received an influx of Go projects, following the success of our Kubernetes assessment this summer. As a result, we’ve been adapting for Go projects some of the security assessment techniques and tactics we’ve used with other compiled languages. We started by understanding the design of the language, identifying […]

Panicking the right way in Go

Sam Moelius
A common Go idiom is to (1) panic, (2) recover from the panic in a deferred function, and (3) continue on. In general, this is okay, so long there are no global state changes between the entry point to the function calling defer, and the point at which the panic occurs. Such global state changes […]