On March 28, 2023, SafeMoon, a self-styled “community-focused DeFi token” on Binance Smart Chain, lost the equivalent of $8.9 million in Binance Coin BNB to an exploit in a liquidity pool. The exploit leveraged a simple error introduced in an upgrade to SafeMoon’s SFM token contract, allowing the attacker to burn tokens held in the […]
In fall 2022, Trail of Bits audited cURL, a widely-used command-line utility that transfers data between a server and supports various protocols. The project coincided with a Trail of Bits maker week, which meant that we had more manpower than we usually do, allowing us to take a nonstandard approach to the […]
Trail of Bits is publicly disclosing four vulnerabilities that affect wolfSSL: CVE-2022-38152, CVE-2022-38153, CVE-2022-39173, and CVE-2022-42905. The four issues, which have CVSS scores ranging from medium to critical, can all result in a denial of service (DoS). These vulnerabilities have been discovered automatically using the novel protocol fuzzer tlspuffin. This blog post […]
Smart contract fuzzing is an effective bug-finding technique that is largely used at Trail Of Bits during audits. During my internship at Trail of Bits, I contributed to expand our fuzzing capabilities by working on Hybrid Echidna, a “hybrid fuzzer” that couples our smart contract fuzzer, Echidna, with […]
During my winternship, I used the findings from recent Go audits to make several improvements to go-fuzz, a coverage-based fuzzer for projects written in Go. I focused on three enhancements to improve the effectiveness of Go fuzzing campaigns and provide a better experience for users. I contributed to fixing type alias […]
During my winternship, I applied code analysis tools, such as GHC’s Haskell profiler, to improve the efficiency of the Echidna smart contract fuzzer. As a result, Echidna is now over six times faster! Echidna overview To use Echidna, users provide smart contracts and a list of conditions that should be satisfied no […]
In the summer of 2020, we described our work fuzzing the Solidity compiler, solc. So now we’d like to revisit this project, since fuzzing campaigns tend to “saturate,” finding fewer new results over time. Did Solidity fuzzing run out of gas? Is fuzzing a high-stakes project worthwhile, especially if […]
Today, we are releasing an experimental coverage-guided fuzzer called Honeybee that records program control flow using Intel Processor Trace (IPT) technology. Previously, IPT has been scrutinized for severe underperformance due to issues with capture systems and inefficient trace analyses. My winter internship focused on working through these challenges to make […]
If you’re thinking of writing a paper describing an exciting novel approach to smart contract analysis and want to know what reviewers will be looking for, you’ve come to the right place. Deadlines for many big conferences (ISSTA tool papers, ASE, FSE, etc.) are approaching, as is our own Workshop on Smart Contract Analysis, so […]
TL;DR: Can we use GPUs to get 10x performance/dollar when fuzzing embedded software in the cloud? Based on our preliminary work, we think the answer is yes! Fuzzing is a software testing technique that supplies programs with many randomized inputs in an attempt to cause unexpected behavior. It’s an important, […]
In this post, we’ll show you how to test your smart contracts with the Echidna fuzzer. In particular, you’ll see how to: Find a bug we discovered during the Set Protocol audit using a variation of differential fuzzing, and Specify and check useful properties for your own smart contract libraries. And we’ll demonstrate how to […]
Over the last few months, we’ve been fuzzing solc, the standard Solidity smart contract compiler, and we’ve racked up almost 20 (now mostly fixed) new bugs. A few of these are duplicates of existing bugs with slightly different symptoms or triggers, but the vast majority are previously unreported bugs in the compiler. This has been […]
TL;DR: We have improved Echidna with tons of new features and enhancements since it was released—and there’s more to come. Two years ago, we open-sourced Echidna, our property-based smart contract fuzzer. Echidna is one of the tools we use most in smart contract assessments. According to our records, Echidna was used in about 35% of […]
Imagine reducing the amount of code and time needed to test software, while at the same time increasing the efficacy of your tests and making your debugging tasks easier—all with minimal human effort. It seems too good to be true, but we’re going to explain how test-case reduction can do all this (and maybe more). […]
The Trail of Bits Assurance practice has received an influx of Go projects, following the success of our Kubernetes assessment this summer. As a result, we’ve been adapting for Go projects some of the security assessment techniques and tactics we’ve used with other compiled languages. We started by understanding the design of the language, identifying […]