
Fuzzing between the lines in popular barcode software

Artur Cygan
Fuzzing—one of the most successful techniques for finding security bugs, consistently featured in articles and industry conferences—has become so popular that you may think most important software has already been extensively fuzzed. But that’s not always the case. In this blog post, we show how we fuzzed the ZBar barcode scanning library […]

Finding mispriced opcodes with fuzzing

Max Ammann
Fuzzing—a testing technique that tries to find bugs by repeatedly executing test cases and mutating them—has traditionally been used to detect segmentation faults, buffer overflows, and other memory corruption vulnerabilities that are detectable through crashes. But it has additional uses you may not know about: given the right invariants, we can use […]

Using benchmarks to speed up Echidna

Ben Siraphob
During my time as a Trail of Bits associate last summer, I worked on optimizing the performance of Echidna, Trail of Bits’ open-source smart contract fuzzer, written in Haskell. Through extensive use of profilers and other tools, I was able to pinpoint and debug a massive space leak in one of Echidna’s […]

Curvance: Invariants unleashed

Welcome to our deep dive into the world of invariant development with Curvance. We’ve been building invariants as part of regular code review assessments for more than 6 years now, but our work with Curvance marks our very first official invariant development project, in which developing and testing invariants is all we […]

Why fuzzing over formal verification?

Josselin Feist, Tarun Bansal, Gustavo Grieco,
We recently introduced our new offering, invariant development as a service. A recurring question that we are asked is, “Why fuzzing instead of formal verification?” And the answer is, “It’s complicated.” We use fuzzing for most of our audits but have used formal verification methods in the […]

Continuously fuzzing Python C extensions

Matt Schwager
Deserializing, decoding, and processing untrusted input are telltale signs that your project would benefit from fuzzing. Yes, even Python projects. Fuzzing helps reduce bugs in high-assurance software developed in all programming languages. Fortunately for the Python ecosystem, Google has released Atheris, a coverage-guided fuzzer for both pure Python code and Python C […]

Improving the state of Cosmos fuzzing

Gustavo Grieco
Cosmos is a platform enabling the creation of blockchains in Go (or other languages). Its reference implementation, Cosmos SDK, leverages strong fuzz testing extensively, following two approaches: smart fuzzing for low-level code, and dumb fuzzing for high-level simulation. In this blog post, we explain the differences between these approaches and show how […]

Chaos Communication Congress (37C3) recap

Trail of Bits
Last month, two of our engineers attended the 37th Chaos Communication Congress (37C3) in Hamburg, joining thousands of hackers who gather each year to exchange the latest research and achievements in technology and security. Unlike other tech conferences, this annual gathering focuses on the interaction of technology and society, covering such topics as politics, entertainment, […]

Introducing invariant development as a service

Trail of Bits
Understanding and rigorously testing system invariants are essential aspects of developing robust smart contracts. Invariants are facts about the protocol that should remain true no matter what happens. Defining and testing these invariants allows developers to prevent the introduction of bugs and make their code more robust in the long term. However, it is difficult […]

Fuzzing on-chain contracts with Echidna

Elvis Skozdopolj, Guillermo Larregay
With the release of version 2.1.0 of Echidna, our fuzzing tool for Ethereum smart contracts, we’ve introduced new features for direct retrieval of on-chain data, such as contract code and storage slot values. This data can be used to fuzz deployed contracts in their on-chain state or to test […]