
Security flaws in an SSO plugin for Caddy

David Pokora, Maciej Domanski, Travis Peters,
We identified 10 security vulnerabilities within the caddy-security plugin for the Caddy web server that could enable a variety of high-severity attacks in web applications, including client-side code execution, OAuth replay attacks, and unauthorized access to resources. During our evaluation, Caddy was deployed as a reverse proxy […]

Security assessment techniques for Go projects

The Trail of Bits Assurance practice has received an influx of Go projects, following the success of our Kubernetes assessment this summer. As a result, we’ve been adapting for Go projects some of the security assessment techniques and tactics we’ve used with other compiled languages. We started by understanding the design of the language, identifying […]

Two New Tools that Tame the Treachery of Files

Evan Sultanik
Parsing is hard, even when a file format is well specified. But when the specification is ambiguous, it leads to unintended and strange parser and interpreter behaviors that make file formats susceptible to security vulnerabilities. What if we could automatically generate a “safe” subset of any file format, along with an associated, verified parser? That’s […]

Panicking the right way in Go

Sam Moelius
A common Go idiom is to (1) panic, (2) recover from the panic in a deferred function, and (3) continue on. In general, this is okay, so long there are no global state changes between the entry point to the function calling defer, and the point at which the panic occurs. Such global state changes […]

Announcing Manticore 0.3.0

Eric Hennenfent
Earlier this week, Manticore leapt forward to version 0.3.0. Advances for our symbolic execution engine now include: “fast forwarding” through concrete execution that you don’t care about, support for Linux binaries statically compiled for AArch64, and an interface for selectively solving for interesting test cases. We’ve been working really hard on these and other features […]

Fuzzing Unit Tests with DeepState and Eclipser

If unit tests are important to you, there’s now another reason to use DeepState, our Google-Test-like property-based testing tool for C and C++. It’s called Eclipser, a powerful new fuzzer very recently presented in an ICSE 2019 paper. We are proud to announce that Eclipser is now fully integrated into DeepState. Eclipser provides many of […]

Fuzzing an API with DeepState (Part 2)

Alex Groce, Associate Professor, School of Informatics, Computing and Cyber Systems, Northern Arizona University Mutation Testing Introducing one bug by hand (as we did in Part 1) is fine, and we could try it again, but “the plural of anecdote is not data.” However, this is not strictly true. If we have enough anecdotes, we […]

Fuzzing an API with DeepState (Part 1)

Alex Groce, Associate Professor, School of Informatics, Computing and Cyber Systems, Northern Arizona University Using DeepState, we took a handwritten red-black tree fuzzer and, with minimal effort, turned it into a much more fully featured test generator. The DeepState fuzzer, despite requiring no more coding effort, supports replay of regression tests, reduction of the size […]

Use our suite of Ethereum security tools

Two years ago, when we began taking on blockchain security engagements, there were no tools engineered for the work. No static analyzers, fuzzers, or reverse engineering tools for Ethereum. So, we invested significant time and expertise to create what we needed, adapt what we already had, and refine the work continuously over dozens of audits. […]

Magic with Manticore

Manticore is a next-generation binary analysis tool with a simple yet powerful API for symbolic execution, taint analysis, and instrumentation. Using Manticore one can identify ‘interesting’ code locations and deduce inputs that reach them. This can generate inputs for improved test coverage, or quickly lead execution to a vulnerability. I used Manticore’s power to solve Magic, a challenge […]

Manticore: Symbolic execution for humans

Earlier this week, we open-sourced a tool we rely on for dynamic binary analysis: Manticore! Manticore helps us quickly take advantage of symbolic execution, taint analysis, and instrumentation to analyze binaries. Parts of Manticore underpinned our symbolic execution capabilities in the Cyber Grand Challenge. As an open-source tool, we hope that others can take advantage […]

The Problem with Dynamic Program Analysis

Developers have access to tools like AddressSanitizer and Valgrind that will tell them when the code that they’re running accesses uninitialized memory, leaks memory, or uses memory after it’s been freed. Despite the availability of these excellent tools, memory bugs still persist, still get shipped to users, and still get exploited in the wild. Most […]