
Circomspect has more passes!

Fredrik Dahlgren
TL;DR: We have released version 0.8.0 of Circomspect, our static analyzer and linter for Circom. Since our initial release of Circomspect in September 2022, we have added five new analysis passes, support for tags, tuples, and anonymous components, links to in-depth descriptions of each identified issue, and squashed a […]

Upgradeable contracts made safer with Crytic

Upgradeable contracts are not as safe as you think. Architectures for upgradeability can be flawed, locking contracts, losing data, or sabotaging your ability to recover from an incident. Every contract upgrade must be carefully reviewed to avoid catastrophic mistakes. The most common delegatecall proxy comes with drawbacks that we’ve catalogued before. Crytic now includes a […]

Bug Hunting with Crytic

Crytic, our Github app for discovering smart contract flaws, is kind of a big deal: It detects security issues without human intervention, providing continuous assurance while you work and securing your codebase before deployment. Crytic finds many bugs no other tools can detect, including some that are not widely known. Right now, Crytic has 90+ […]