
Best practices for key derivation

Marc Ilunga
Key derivation is essential in many cryptographic applications, including key exchange, key management, secure communications, and building robust cryptographic primitives. But it’s also easy to get wrong: although standard tools exist for different key derivation needs, our audits often uncover improper uses of these tools that could compromise key security. Flickr’s API […]

Celebrating our 2024 open-source contributions

While Trail of Bits is known for developing security tools like Slither, Medusa, and Fickling, our engineering efforts extend far beyond our own projects. Throughout 2024, our team has been deeply engaged with the broader security ecosystem, tackling challenges in open-source tools and infrastructure that security engineers rely on every day. This year, our engineers […]

Friends don’t let friends reuse nonces

Joe Doyle
If you’ve encountered cryptography software, you’ve probably heard the advice to never use a nonce twice—in fact, that’s where the word nonce (number used once) comes from. Depending on the cryptography involved, a reused nonce can reveal encrypted messages, or even leak your secret key! But common knowledge may not cover every […]

“YOLO” is not a valid hash construction

Opal Wright
Among the cryptographic missteps we see at Trail of Bits, “let’s build our own tool out of a hash function” is one of the most common. Clients have a problem along the lines of “we need to hash a bunch of different values together” or “we need a MAC” or “we need […]

We wrote the code, and the code won

Tjaden Hess
Earlier this week, NIST officially announced three standards specifying FIPS-approved algorithms for post-quantum cryptography. The Stateless Hash-Based Digital Signature Algorithm (SLH-DSA) is one of these standardized algorithms. The Trail of Bits cryptography team has been anticipating this announcement, and we are excited to share an announcement of our own: we built an […]

Cloud cryptography demystified: Google Cloud Platform

Scott Arciszewski
This post, the second in our series on cryptography in the cloud, provides an overview of the cloud cryptography services offered within Google Cloud Platform (GCP): when to use them, when not to use them, and important usage considerations. Stay tuned for future posts covering other cloud services. At Trail of Bits, […]

Our crypto experts answer 10 key questions

Justin Jacob
Cryptography is a fundamental part of electronics and the internet that helps secure credit cards, cell phones, web browsing (fingers crossed you’re using TLS!), and even top-secret military data. Cryptography is just as essential in the blockchain space, with blockchains like Ethereum depending on hashes, Merkle trees, and ECDSA signatures, among other […]

Announcing AES-GEM (AES with Galois Extended Mode)

Scott Arciszewski
Today, AES-GCM is one of two cipher modes used by TLS 1.3 (the other being ChaCha20-Poly1305) and the preferred method for encrypting data in FIPS-validated modules. But despite its overwhelming success, AES-GCM has been the root cause of some catastrophic failures: for example, Hanno Böck and Sean Devlin exploited nonce misuse to […]

Quantum is unimportant to post-quantum

Opal Wright
You might be hearing a lot about post-quantum (PQ) cryptography lately, and it’s easy to wonder why it’s such a big deal when nobody has actually seen a quantum computer. But even if a quantum computer is never built, new PQ standards are safer, more resilient, and more flexible than their classical […]

Disarming Fiat-Shamir footguns

Opal Wright
The Fiat-Shamir transform is an important building block in zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs) and multi-party computation (MPC). It allows zero-knowledge proofs based on interactive protocols to be made non-interactive. Essentially, it turns conversations into documents. This ability is at the core of powerful technologies like SNARKs and STARKs. Useful stuff! But the Fiat-Shamir […]

Themes from Real World Crypto 2024

Trail of Bits
In March, Trail of Bits engineers traveled to the vibrant (and only slightly chilly) city of Toronto to attend Real World Crypto 2024, a three-day event that hosted hundreds of brilliant minds in the field of cryptography. We also attended three associated events: the Real World Post-Quantum Cryptography (RWPQC) workshop, the Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) […]

Announcing two new LMS libraries

Will Song
The Trail of Bits cryptography team is pleased to announce the open-sourcing of our pure Rust and Go implementations of Leighton-Micali Hash-Based Signatures (LMS), a well-studied NIST-standardized post-quantum digital signature algorithm. If you or your organization are looking to transition to post-quantum support for digital signatures, both of these implementations have been […]

Cryptographic design review of Ockam

Joop van de Pol, Marc Ilunga, Jim Miller, Fredrik Dahlgren
In October 2023, Ockam hired Trail of Bits to review the design of its product, a set of protocols that aims to enable secure communication (i.e., end-to-end encrypted and mutually authenticated channels) across various heterogeneous networks. A secure system starts at the design […]

Circomspect has been integrated into the Sindri CLI

Our tool Circomspect is now integrated into the Sindri command-line interface (CLI)! We designed Circomspect to help developers build Circom circuits more securely, particularly given the limited tooling support available for this novel programming framework. Integrating this tool into a development environment like that provided by Sindri is a significant step toward […]