
EuroLLVM 2024 trip report

Henrich Lauko, Marek Surovič
EuroLLVM is a developer meeting focused on projects under the LLVM Foundation umbrella that live in the LLVM GitHub monorepo, like Clang and—more recently, thanks to machine learning research—the MLIR framework. Trail of Bits, which has a history in compiler engineering and all things LLVM, sent a bunch of […]

Themes from Real World Crypto 2024

Trail of Bits
In March, Trail of Bits engineers traveled to the vibrant (and only slightly chilly) city of Toronto to attend Real World Crypto 2024, a three-day event that hosted hundreds of brilliant minds in the field of cryptography. We also attended three associated events: the Real World Post-Quantum Cryptography (RWPQC) workshop, the Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) […]

Chaos Communication Congress (37C3) recap

Trail of Bits
Last month, two of our engineers attended the 37th Chaos Communication Congress (37C3) in Hamburg, joining thousands of hackers who gather each year to exchange the latest research and achievements in technology and security. Unlike other tech conferences, this annual gathering focuses on the interaction of technology and society, covering such topics as politics, entertainment, […]

Can you pass the Rekt test?

Trail of Bits
One of the biggest challenges for blockchain developers is objectively assessing their security posture and measuring how it progresses. To address this issue, a working group of Web3 security experts, led by Trail of Bits CEO Dan Guido, met earlier this year to create a simple test for profiling the security of blockchain teams. We […]

Real World Crypto 2023 Recap

Trail of Bits
Last month, hundreds of cryptographers descended upon Tokyo for the first Real World Crypto Conference in Asia. As in previous years, we dispatched a handful of our researchers and engineers to present and attend the conference. What sets RWC apart from other conferences is that it strongly emphasizes research, collaborations, and advancements in cryptography that […]

Themes from PyCon US 2022

Adam Meily
After two long years of lockdowns, virtual meetups, quarantines, and general chaos, the Python community gathered en masse to Salt Lake City for PyCon 2022. Two of our engineers attended the conference, and we are happy to report that the Python community is not only alive and well but also thriving, with […]

Financial Cryptography 2020 Recap

A few weeks ago, we went to the 24th Financial Cryptography (FC) conference and the Workshop on Trusted Smart Contracts (WTSC), where we presented our work on smart contract bug categorization (see our executive summary) and a poster on Echidna. Although FC is not a blockchain conference, it featured several blockchain-oriented presentations this year and […]

Themes from Real World Crypto 2020

Jim Miller
Over 642 brilliant cryptographic minds gathered for Real World Crypto 2020, an annual conference that brings together cryptographic researchers with developers implementing cryptography in the wild. Overall, RWC 2020 was an impressive conference that demonstrated some amazing work. Here we explore three major themes that emerged: Crypto bugs are everywhere…Whether it’s a somewhat unsurprising Bleichenbacher […]

Grace Hopper Celebration (GHC) 2019 Recap

Rachel Cipkins, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ
A few weeks ago I had the inspiring experience of attending the annual Grace Hopper Celebration (GHC), the world’s largest gathering of women in technology. Over four days in Orlando, Florida, GHC hosted a slew of workshops and presentations, plus a massive career fair with over […]

QueryCon 2019: A Turning Point for osquery

Lauren Pearl
Has it really been 3 months since Trail of Bits hosted QueryCon? We’ve had such a busy and productive summer that we nearly forgot to go back and reflect on the success of this event! On June 20-21, Trail of Bits partnered with Kolide and Carbon Back to host the 2nd annual QueryCon, at the […]

Crypto 2019 Takeaways

Trail of Bits
This year’s IACR Crypto conference was an excellent blend of far-out theory and down-to-earth pragmatism. A major theme throughout the conference was the huge importance of getting basic cryptographic primitives right. Systems ranging from TLS servers and bitcoin wallets to state-of-the-art secure multiparty computation protocols were broken when one small sub-component was either chosen poorly […]

Why you should go to QueryCon this week

Lauren Pearl
QueryCon takes place this week at the Convene Conference Center in Downtown Manhattan, Thursday June 20th- Friday June 21st. If you don’t have a ticket yet, get one while you can. QueryCon is an annual conference about osquery, the open source project that’s helping many top tech companies manage their endpoints. We’ve been big fans […]

Slither: The Leading Static Analyzer for Smart Contracts

Gustavo Grieco
We have published an academic paper on Slither, our static analysis framework for smart contracts, in the International Workshop on Emerging Trends in Software Engineering for Blockchain (WETSEB), colocated with ICSE. Our paper shows that Slither’s bug detection outperforms other static analysis tools for finding issues in smart contracts in terms of speed, robustness, and […]