
Managing risk in blockchain deployments

Trail of Bits
Do you need a blockchain? And if so, what kind? Trail of Bits has released an operational risk assessment report on blockchain technology. As more businesses consider the innovative advantages of blockchains and, more generally, distributed ledger technologies (DLT), executives must decide whether and how to adopt them. Organizations adopting these systems must understand and […]

Optimizing a smart contract fuzzer

Sam Alws
During my winternship, I applied code analysis tools, such as GHC’s Haskell profiler, to improve the efficiency of the Echidna smart contract fuzzer. As a result, Echidna is now over six times faster! Echidna overview To use Echidna, users provide smart contracts and a list of conditions that should be satisfied no […]

Solar: Context-free, interactive analysis for Solidity

Trent Brunson
We’re hiring for our Research + Engineering team!  By Aaron Yoo, University of California, Los Angeles As an intern at Trail of Bits, I worked on Solar, a proof-of-concept static analysis framework. Solar is unique because it enables context-free interactive analysis of Solidity smart contracts. A user can direct Solar to explore program paths (e.g., […]

A Year in the Life of a Compiler Fuzzing Campaign

Alex Groce, Northern Arizona University
In the summer of 2020, we described our work fuzzing the Solidity compiler, solc. So now we’d like to revisit this project, since fuzzing campaigns tend to “saturate,” finding fewer new results over time. Did Solidity fuzzing run out of gas? Is fuzzing a high-stakes project worthwhile, especially if […]

Confessions of a smart contract paper reviewer

Alex Groce
If you’re thinking of writing a paper describing an exciting novel approach to smart contract analysis and want to know what reviewers will be looking for, you’ve come to the right place. Deadlines for many big conferences (ISSTA tool papers, ASE, FSE, etc.) are approaching, as is our own Workshop on Smart Contract Analysis, so […]

Breaking Aave Upgradeability

Josselin Feist
On December 3rd, Aave deployed version 2 of their codebase. While we were not hired to look at the code, we briefly reviewed it the following day. We quickly discovered a vulnerability that affected versions 1 and 2 of the live contracts and reported the issue. Within an hour of sending our analysis to Aave, […]

Good idea, bad design: How the Diamond standard falls short

Josselin Feist
TL;DR: We audited an implementation of the Diamond standard proposal for contract upgradeability and can’t recommend it in its current form—but see our recommendations and upgrade strategy guidance. We recently audited an implementation of the Diamond standard code, a new upgradeability pattern. It’s a laudable undertaking, but the Diamond proposal and implementation raise many concerns. […]

Using Echidna to test a smart contract library

Alex Groce
In this post, we’ll show you how to test your smart contracts with the Echidna fuzzer. In particular, you’ll see how to: Find a bug we discovered during the Set Protocol audit using a variation of differential fuzzing, and Specify and check useful properties for your own smart contract libraries. And we’ll demonstrate how to […]

Accidentally stepping on a DeFi lego

The initial release of yVault contained logic for computing the price of yUSDC that could be manipulated by an attacker to drain most (if not all) of the pool’s assets. Fortunately, Andre, the developer, reacted incredibly quickly and disabled the faulty code, securing the approximately 400,000 USD held at the time. However, this bug still […]

Contract verification made easier

Dan Guido
Smart contract authors can now express security properties in the same language they use to write their code (Solidity) and our new tool, manticore-verifier, will automatically verify those invariants. Even better, Echidna and Manticore share the same format for specifying property tests. In other words, smart contract authors can now write one property test and […]

Upgradeable contracts made safer with Crytic

Josselin Feist
Upgradeable contracts are not as safe as you think. Architectures for upgradeability can be flawed, locking contracts, losing data, or sabotaging your ability to recover from an incident. Every contract upgrade must be carefully reviewed to avoid catastrophic mistakes. The most common delegatecall proxy comes with drawbacks that we’ve catalogued before. Crytic now includes a […]

Breaking the Solidity Compiler with a Fuzzer

Alex Groce
Over the last few months, we’ve been fuzzing solc, the standard Solidity smart contract compiler, and we’ve racked up almost 20 (now mostly fixed) new bugs. A few of these are duplicates of existing bugs with slightly different symptoms or triggers, but the vast majority are previously unreported bugs in the compiler. This has been […]

Bug Hunting with Crytic

Josselin Feist
Crytic, our Github app for discovering smart contract flaws, is kind of a big deal: It detects security issues without human intervention, providing continuous assurance while you work and securing your codebase before deployment. Crytic finds many bugs no other tools can detect, including some that are not widely known. Right now, Crytic has 90+ […]

An Echidna for all Seasons

Gustavo Grieco
TL;DR: We have improved Echidna with tons of new features and enhancements since it was released—and there’s more to come. Two years ago, we open-sourced Echidna, our property-based smart contract fuzzer. Echidna is one of the tools we use most in smart contract assessments. According to our records, Echidna was used in about 35% of […]