GDB loses significant functionality when debugging binaries that lack debugging symbols (also known as “stripped binaries”). Function and variable names become meaningless addresses; setting breakpoints requires tracking down relevant function addresses from an external source; and printing out structured values involves staring at a memory dump trying to manually discern field boundaries. […]
Trail of Bits maintains Manticore, a symbolic execution engine that can analyze smart contracts and native binaries. While symbolic execution is a powerful technique that can augment the vulnerability discovery process, it requires some base domain knowledge and thus has its own learning curve. Given the plethora […]
Trail of Bits recently published a blog post about a signed integer overflow in certain versions of SQLite that can enable arbitrary code execution and result in a denial of service. While working on proof-of-concept exploits for that vulnerability, we noticed that the compiler’s representation of an important integer variable is semantically […]
During my summer internship, I had the wonderful opportunity to work on the Manticore User Interface (MUI). The MUI project aims to combine the strength of both Manticore, a powerful symbolic execution library, and Binary Ninja, a popular binary analysis tool, to provide a more intuitive and visual interface […]
It’s been four years since my blog post “2000 cuts with Binary Ninja.” Back then, Binary Ninja was in a private beta and the blog post response surprised its developers at Vector35. Over the past few years I’ve largely preferred to use IDA and HexRays for reversing, and then use Binary Ninja for any scripting. […]
We open-sourced a set of static analysis tools, KRFAnalysis, that analyze and triage output from our system call (syscall) fault injection tool KRF. Now you can easily figure out where and why, KRF crashes your programs. During my summer internship at Trail of Bits, I worked on KRF, […]
Consider our modular trainings. They can be organized to suit your company’s needs. You choose the number of skills and days to spend honing them.
Plenty of static analyzers can perform vulnerability discovery on source code, but what if you only have the binary? How can we model a vulnerability and then check a binary to see if it is vulnerable? The short answer: use Binary Ninja’s MLIL and SSA form. Together, they make it easy to build and solve a system of equations with a theorem prover that takes binaries and turns them, alchemy-like, into vulnerabilities!
Two years ago, when we began taking on blockchain security engagements, there were no tools engineered for the work. No static analyzers, fuzzers, or reverse engineering tools for Ethereum. So, we invested significant time and expertise to create what we needed, adapt what we already had, and refine the work continuously over dozens of audits. […]
Four years ago, we released McSema, our x86 to LLVM bitcode binary translator. Since then, it has stretched and flexed; we added x86-64 support, put it on a performance-focused diet, and improved its usability and documentation. McSema wasn’t the only thing improving these past years, though. At the same time, programs were increasingly adopting modern […]
This year’s DEF CON CTF used a unique hardware architecture, cLEMENCy, and only released a specification and reference tooling for it 24 hours before the final event began. cLEMENCy was purposefully designed to break existing tools and make writing new ones harder. This presented a formidable challenge given the timeboxed competition occurs over a single […]
Manticore is a next-generation binary analysis tool with a simple yet powerful API for symbolic execution, taint analysis, and instrumentation. Using Manticore one can identify ‘interesting’ code locations and deduce inputs that reach them. This can generate inputs for improved test coverage, or quickly lead execution to a vulnerability. I used Manticore’s power to solve Magic, a challenge […]
In my first blog post, I introduced the general structure of Binary Ninja’s Low Level IL (LLIL), as well as how to traverse and manipulate it with the Python API. Now, we’ll do something a little more interesting. Reverse engineering binaries compiled from object-oriented languages can be challenging, particularly when it comes to virtual functions. […]
Hi, I’m Josh. I recently joined the team at Trail of Bits, and I’ve been an evangelist and plugin writer for the Binary Ninja reversing platform for a while now. I’ve developed plugins that make reversing easier and extended Binary Ninja’s architecture support to assist in playing the microcorruption CTF. One of my favorite features of […]
Using Vector35’s Binary Ninja, a promising new interactive static analysis and reverse engineering platform, I wrote a script that generated “exploits” for 2,000 unique binaries in this year’s DEFCON CTF qualifying round. If you’re wondering how to remain competitive in a post-DARPA DEFCON CTF, I highly recommend you take a look at Binary Ninja. Before […]