Themes from Real World Crypto 2024
In March, Trail of Bits engineers traveled to the vibrant (and only slightly chilly) city of Toronto to attend Real World Crypto 2024, a three-day event that hosted hundreds of brilliant minds in the field of cryptography. We also attended three associated events: the Real World Post-Quantum Cryptography (RWPQC) workshop, the Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) workshop, and the Open Source Cryptography Workshop (OSCW). Reflecting on the talks and expert discussions held at the event, we identified some themes that stood out:
- Governments, standardization bodies, and industry are making substantial progress in advancing post-quantum cryptography (PQC) standardization and adoption.
- Going beyond the PQC standards, we saw innovations for more advanced PQC using lattice-based constructions.
- Investment in end-to-end encryption (E2EE) and key transparency is gaining momentum across multiple organizations.
We also have a few honorable mentions:
- Fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) is an active area of research and is becoming more and more practical.
- Authenticated encryption schemes with associated data (AEADs) schemes are also an active area of research, with many refinements being made.
Read on for our full thoughts!
How industry and government are adopting PQC
The community is preparing for the largest cryptographic migration since the (ongoing) effort to replace RSA and DSA with elliptic curve cryptography began 25 years ago. Discussions at both the PQ-dedicated RWPQC workshop and the main RWC event focused on standardization efforts and large-scale real-world deployments. Google, Amazon, and Meta reported initial success in internal deployments.
Core takeaways from the talks include:
- The global community has broadly accepted the NIST post-quantum algorithms as standards. Higher-level protocols, like Signal, are busy incorporating the new algorithms.
- Store-now-decrypt-later attacks require moving to post-quantum key exchange protocols as soon as possible. Post-quantum authentication (signature schemes) are less urgent for applications following good key rotation practices.
- Post-quantum security is just one aspect of cryptographic agility. Good cryptographic inventory and key rotation practices make PQ migration much smoother.
RWPQC featured talks from four standards bodies. These talks showed that efforts to adopt PQC are well underway. Dustin Moody (NIST) emphasized that the US government and US industries aim to be quantum-ready by 2035, while Matthew Campagna (ETSI) discussed coordination efforts among 850+ organizations in more than 60 countries. Stephanie Reinhardt (BSI) warned that cryptographically relevant quantum computers could come online at the beginning of the 2030s and shared BSI’s Technical Guideline on Cryptographic Mechanisms. Reinhardt also cautioned against reliance on quantum key distribution, citing almost 200 published attacks on QKD implementations. NCSC promoted the standalone use of ML-KEM and ML-DSA, in contrast to the more common and cautious hybrid approach.
While all standards bodies support the FIPS algorithms, BSI additionally supports using NIST contest finalists FrodoKEM and McEliece.
Deidre Connelly, representing several working groups in the IETF, talked about the KEM combiners guidance document she’s been working on and the ongoing discussions around KEM binding properties (from the CFRG working group). She also mentioned the progress of the TLS working group: PQC will be in TLS v1.3 only, and the main focus is on getting the various key agreement specifications right. The LAMPS working group is working on getting PQC algorithms in the Cryptographic Message Syntax and the Internet X.509 PKI. Finally, PQUIP is working on the operational and engineering side of getting PQC in more protocols, and the MLS working group is working on getting PQC in MLS.
The industry perspective was equally insightful, with representatives from major technology companies sharing some key insights:
- Signal: Rolfe Schmidt gave a behind-the-scenes look at Signal’s efforts to incorporate post-quantum cryptography, such as their recent work on developing their post-quantum key agreement protocol, PQXDH. Their focus areas moving forward include providing forward-secrecy and post-compromise security against quantum attackers, achieving a fully post-quantum secure Signal protocol, and anonymous credentials.
- Meta/Facebook: Meta demonstrated their commitment to PQC by announcing they are joining the PQC alliance. Their representative, Rafael Misoczki, also discussed the prerequisites for a successful PQC migration: cryptography libraries and applications must support easy use of PQ algorithms, clearly discourage creation of new quantum-insecure keys, and provide protection against known quantum attacks. Moreover, the migration has to be performant and cost-efficient.
- Google: Sophie Schmieg from Google elucidated their approach toward managing key rotations and crypto agility, stressing that post-quantum migration is really a key rotation problem. If you have a good mechanism for key rotation, and you are properly specifying keys as both the cryptographic configuration and raw key bytes rather than just the raw bytes, you’re most of the way to migrating to post-quantum.
- Amazon/Amazon Web Services (AWS): Matthew Campagna rounded up the industry updates with a presentation on the progress that AWS (AWS) has made towards securing their cryptography against a quantum adversary. Like most others, their primary concern, is “store now, decrypt later” attacks.
Even more PQC: Advanced lattice techniques
In addition to governments and industry groups both committing to adopting the latest PQC NIST standards, RWC this year also demonstrated the large body of work being done in other areas of PQC. In particular, we attended two interesting talks about new cryptographic primitives built using lattices:
- LaZer: LaZer is an intriguing library that uses lattices to facilitate efficient Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs). For some metrics, this proof system achieves better performance than some of the current state-of-the-art proof systems. However, since LaZer uses lattices, its arithmetization is completely different from existing R1CS and Plonkish proof systems. This means that it will not work with existing circuit compilers out of the box, so advancing this to real-world systems will take additional effort.
- Swoosh: Another discussion focused on Swoosh, a protocol designed for efficient lattice-based Non-Interactive Key Exchanges. In an era when we have to rely on post-quantum Key Encapsulation Mechanisms (KEMs) instead of post-quantum Diffie-Hellman based schemes, developing robust key exchange protocols with post-quantum qualities is a strong step forward and a promising area of research.
End-to-end encryption and key transparency
End-to-end (E2E) encryption and key transparency were a significant theme in the conference. A few highlights:
- Key transparency generally: Melissa Chase gave a great overview presentation on key transparency’s open problems and recent developments. Key transparency plays a vital role in end-to-end encryption, allowing users to detect man-in-the-middle attacks without relying on out-of-band communication.
- Securing E2EE in Zoom: Researcher Mang Zhao shared their approach to improving Zoom’s E2EE security, specifically protecting against eavesdropping or impersonation attacks from malicious servers. Their strategy relies heavily on Password Authenticated Key Exchange (PAKE) and Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD), promising a more secure communication layer for users. They then used formal methods to prove that their approach achieved its goals.
- E2EE adoption at Meta: Meta/Facebook stepped up to chronicle their journey in rolling out E2EE on Messenger. Users experience significant friction while upgrading to E2EE, as they suddenly need to take action in order to ensure that they can recover their data if they lose their device. In some cases such as sticker search, Meta decided to prioritize functionality alongside privacy, as storing the entire sticker library client-side would be prohibitive.
Honorable mentions
AEADs: In symmetric cryptography, Authenticated Encryption Schemes with Associated Data (AEADs) were central to discussions this year. The in-depth conversations around Poly1305 and AES-GCM illustrated the ongoing dedication to refining these cryptographic tools. We’re preparing a dedicated post about these exciting advancements, so stay tuned!
FHE: The FHE breakout demonstrated the continued progress of Fully Homomorphic Encryption. Researchers presented innovative theoretical advancements, such as a new homomorphic scheme based on Ring Learning with Rounding that showed signs of achieving better performance against current schemes under certain metrics. Another groundbreaking talk featured the HEIR compiler, a toolchain accelerating FHE research, potentially easing the transition from theory to practical, real-world implementations.
The Levchin Prize winners for 2024
Two teams are awarded the Levchin Prize at RWC every year for significant contributions to cryptography and its practical uses.
Al Cutter, Emilia Käsper, Adam Langley, and Ben Laurie received the Levchin Prize for creating and deploying Certificate Transparency at scale. Certificate Transparency is built on relatively simple cryptographic operations yet has an outsized positive impact on internet security and privacy.
Anna Lysyanskaya and Jan Camenisch received the other 2024 Levchin Prize for developing efficient Anonymous Credentials. Their groundbreaking work from 20 years ago is becoming more and more relevant as more and more applications use them.
Moving forward
The Real World Crypto 2024 conference, along with the FHE, RWPQC, and OSCW events, provided rich insights into the state of the art and future directions in cryptography. As the field continues to evolve, with governments, standards bodies, and industry players collaborating to further the nuances of our cryptographic world, we look forward to continued advancements in PQC, E2EE, FHE, and many other exciting areas. These developments reflect our collective mission to ensure a secure future and reinforce the importance of ongoing research, collaboration, and engagement across the cryptographic community.