Circomspect has been integrated into the Sindri CLI

Our tool Circomspect is now integrated into the Sindri command-line interface (CLI)! We designed Circomspect to help developers build Circom circuits more securely, particularly given the limited tooling support available for this novel programming framework. Integrating this tool into a development environment like that provided by Sindri is a significant step toward more widespread use of Circomspect and thus better support for developers writing Circom circuits.

Developing zero-knowledge proof circuits is a difficult task. Even putting aside technical complexities, running non-trivial circuits for platforms like Circom is extremely computationally intensive: running basic tests can take several minutes (or longer), which could massively increase development time. Sindri aims to help alleviate this problem by giving users access to dedicated hardware that significantly accelerates the execution of these circuits. Their simple API and CLI tool allows developers to integrate their circuits with this dedicated hardware without having to manage any of their own infrastructure.

Stasia Carson, the CEO of Sindri Labs, had this to say about the announcement:

Our ongoing focus with the Sindri CLI is to make it more generally and widely useful for circuit developers independent of whether or not they use the Sindri service. The key to this is a unified cross-framework interface over tools for static analysis, linting, compiling, and proving coupled with installation-free tool distribution using optimized Docker containers. Circomspect is a crucial tool for developing secure Circom circuits, and honestly probably the best such tool across all of the frameworks, so we see it as one of the most vital integrations.

Being integrated into the Sindri CLI is an important step for Circomspect. With now even more users, we plan to extend Circomspect with more analysis ideas, which we will reveal throughout the year. Stay tuned to our blog for future updates about Circomspect and zero-knowledge circuit development generally!