DARPA’s AI Cyber Challenge: We’re In!

We’re thrilled to announce that Trail of Bits will be competing in DARPA’s upcoming AI Cyber Challenge (AIxCC)! DARPA is challenging competitors to develop novel, fully automated AI-driven systems capable of securing the critical software that underpins the modern world. We’ve formed a team of world class software security and AI/ML experts, bringing together researchers, engineers, analysts, and hackers from across our company, and have already started building our system.

Registration officially opened yesterday for the competition’s Open and Small Business Tracks. We’re planning to submit a proposal to the Small Business Track for an AI/ML-driven Cyber Reasoning System (CRS) that has been informed and shaped by our prior experience competing in DARPA’s Cyber Grand Challenge, supporting the UK Government’s Frontier AI Taskforce, and developing AI/ML-based security tools for DARPA and the US Navy.

The competition’s Program Manager, Perri Adams, hosted a streaming event to kick off registration and provide a number of technical updates. We’re particularly excited about this update because it is our first look at the challenge problems our CRS must solve and the scoring criteria that will be used to evaluate our system’s generated software patches. Check back in with us here later this month to hear our thoughts on the AIxCC’s challenges, scoring methods, and rules. In the meantime, we wish our competitors luck—but they should know that Trail of Bits is in it to win it!

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