We’re streamers now

Over the years, we’ve built many high-impact tools that we use for security reviews. You might know some of them, like Slither, Echidna, Amarna, Tealer, and test-fuzz. All of our tools are open source, and we love seeing the community benefit from them. But mastering our tools takes time and practice, and it’s easier if someone can guide you. To that end, we create several tutorials (see building-secure-contracts) and frequently host training sessions at conferences. Now we’re going one step further: we’re live-streaming workshops on Twitch and YouTube.

During our streams, Trail of Bits engineers will describe each of our tools in depth, giving users an inside look at the underlying technology and how they can use the tools in their own work. We will focus on providing hands-on experience, with real-world exercises, and answer common questions about the tools.

First up: 6-part series on fuzzing smart contracts

We’ll share detailed technical presentations on fuzzing smart contracts, and guide attendees to write invariants for them in our first six workshops. Engineers will go over fuzzer setup, how to identify invariants—from simple to complex—and how to translate these invariants into code.

The workshops will be held on the following dates:

Building secure contracts: Learn how to fuzz like a pro

  • Wednesday, November 16 (12pm ET): Introduction to fuzzing (Anish Naik)
  • Tuesday, November 22: Fuzzing arithmetics (Anish Naik)
  • Wednesday, November 30: Intro to AMM’s invariants (Justin Jacob)
  • Tuesday, December 6: AMM fuzzing (Justin Jacob)
  • Wednesday, December 14: Intro to advanced DeFi’s invariants (Nat Chin)
  • Wednesday, December 21: Advanced DeFi invariants (Nat Chin)

    You’re welcome to get familiar with our smart contract fuzzer, Echidna, before the workshop. However, it’s not a requirement: the first sessions will cover the basics, while subsequent sessions will be more advanced.

    Each session will be interactive, with hosts available to answer questions as they come in from the livestream chat.

    More workshops on the way

    We’re all about fuzzing, but we think our static analysis tools are pretty cool, too. In 2023, our livestream workshops will cover Slither, our static analysis tool for Solidity. We are also planning sessions that cover other tools from our catalog, such as our static analyzer and linter for Circom (Circomspect), our privacy testing library for deep learning systems (PrivacyRaven), and our interactive documentation on zero-knowledge proof systems and related primitives (ZKDocs). Let us know what tools you’d like to learn more about and we will see you on stream! Let us know which areas you’d like us to stream about in the future!