Announcing our first virtual Empire Hacking

At Trail of Bits, we’ve all been working remotely due to COVID-19. But the next Empire Hacking event will go on, via video conference!

  • When: April 14th @ 6PM
  • How: RSVP via this Google Form or on Meetup. We’ll email you an invitation early next week.

Come talk shop with us!

Every two months, Empire Hacking is hosted by companies that share our passion for investigating the latest in security engineering. We bring together interesting speakers and people in the field, share new information, make connections, and enjoy continuing our conversations at a nearby bar afterwards. (Bring your own quarantini this time.)

Don’t miss our April lineup

Enarx-Secured, Attested Execution on Any Cloud

Lily Sturmann and Mark Bestavros, security engineers at Red Hat in Boston, will tell us the latest about their work on the open-source Enarx project, which is currently underway on AMD’s SEV and Intel’s SGX hardware. Enarx makes it simple to deploy confidential workloads to a variety of TEEs in the public cloud by handling deployment and attestation. It uses WebAssembly to offer developers a wide range of compatible language choices for workloads, eliminating the need to rewrite the application for a particular TEE’s platform or SDK.

Towards Automated Vulnerability Patching

If you know Trail of Bits, you know we find a lot of bugs, and we think you’ll enjoy this peek at what happens after bugs are found. Carson Harmon will give a brief high-level overview of the challenges associated with vulnerability patching, and our progress in creating tools to assist humans with the process. He’s been working on DARPA CHESS, one of our government-sponsored projects that focuses on automatically finding and fixing bugs in C/C++ programs.

We look forward to seeing you (virtually) on April 14th at 6PM to continue the conversation.