Parity Technologies engages Trail of Bits

We’re helping Parity Technologies secure their Ethereum client. We’ll begin by auditing their codebase, and look forward to publishing results and the knowledge we gained in the future.

Parity Technologies combines cryptography, cellular systems, peer-to-peer technology and decentralized consensus to solve the problems that have gone unaddressed by conventional server-client architecture.

Their Ethereum client is designed for foundational use in enterprise environments, so businesses and organizations can capitalize on the new opportunities blockchain technology presents.

Parity selected us for several reasons

  • Our expert staff brings decades of security knowledge to the field of smart contracts, deep experience with Rust and Solidity, and rapid command of the latest developments in Ethereum security.
  • We can dig deeper into the construction of smart contracts, the security implications of the Solidity language, and the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) than any other team because of our proprietary tools such as Manticore, Ethersplay, Slither, and Echidna.
  • Finally, Parity was attracted to our enthusiasm for jointly publishing discoveries in our audit, and possibly even educational material for the benefit of the broader blockchain community.

Bottom line, we’re one of the leading blockchain security firms–a natural choice for their needs.

What you can expect next

Over the course of the next few weeks, we will audit the beta branch of Parity and the corresponding jsonrpc library. We’ll review Parity’s key generation and storage, RPCs that use private keys and are responsible for permissions, and an assortment of smart contracts. Once the report is made public we plan to write about our lessons learned and results.

We’re excited to work with Parity to help secure the Ethereum ecosystem!