April means Infiltrate

Break out your guayabera, it’s time for Infiltrate. Trail of Bits has attended every Infiltrate and has been a sponsor since 2015. The majority of the company will be in attendance this year (18 people!) and we’ll be swapping shirts and swag again. We’re looking forward to catching up with the latest research presented there and showcasing our own contributions.

Last year we spoke on Making a Scaleable Automated Hacking System and Swift Reversing. We’re speaking again this year: Sophia d’Antoine has teamed up with a pair of Binary Ninja developers to present Be a Binary Rockstar: Next-level static analyses for vulnerability research, which expands on her previous research bringing abstract interpretation to Binary Ninja.

This year we’re bringing Manticore, the iron heart of our CGC robot, and giving attendees early access to it as we prepare to open source it. Manticore is a binary symbolic and concolic execution engine with support for x86, x86-64, and ARM. Use it to solve a simple challenge and earn yourself a Trail of Bits mug.

We don’t just attend Infiltrate to boast about our work; Infiltrate is truly a top notch conference. Infiltrate’s talks are a sneak peek at the best talks presented at other conferences — all in one place. The lobbycon is strong, giving everyone a chance to interact with the speakers and top researchers. The conference is all-inclusive and the included food, drinks, and events are fantastic — so don’t expect to show up without a ticket and try to steal some people away for dinner.

Last year also saw the return of the NOP certification. Windows 2000 and ImmunityDbg caused much frustration among our team but resulted in an exciting competition.

2016 NOP Certification: 30 minutes fighting ImmunityDbg, 7 minutes 33 seconds to pop calc

We’re particularly excited for several talks:

Of course, we’ve seen Be a Binary Rockstar and it’s great. Infiltrate tickets are still on sale — you can see it for yourself.

Vegas is over. The real show is in Miami. See you there!